Choose Able over Hyros

Higher value at a better price
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Why so many marketers choose Able as an alternative to Hyros?

Here are some of the key differences to consider when looking for an alternative to Hyros.

All tracking and attribution tools make similar promises: tracking customers, understanding which ads drive sales, and calculating profitability. What sets Able apart is its underlying technology that goes beyond marketing pitch.

While both Able and Hyros assist in connecting sales with marketing spending, Able includes integrations with the Facebook Conversions API and Google Ads API. This allows Able to send data directly to the ad platforms server-side, enabling powerful automatic audience optimization offered by Facebook Ads and Google Ads, rather than merely reporting ROI for campaigns.

While both platforms track customer activity, Able functions as a customer data platform, which enables it to construct a comprehensive view of the customer journey instead of just collecting isolated events.

Both Able and Hyros offer similar reporting capabilities. However, Able stands out by its ability to transmit collected data, as well as conversion data received from ad platforms, into data warehouses. This allows for unlimited reporting capabilities and advanced Return on Advertising Spend (RoAS) modeling.

Hyros requires an application process to become a customer, along with pre-sales calls and commitments. In contrast, Able is confident in its service and offers transparent pricing along with a free trial featuring instant account set-up.

You should choose Able if:

What advantages do you get by choosing Able as a Hyros alternative?

Improve Your Marketing in Minutes

No matter whether your sales are low-touch or high-touch, one-off, recurring or subscription, Able CDP has tracking, attribution and API integrations solutions optimal for your business to help your long-term growth without delay.

No sales calls. No commitment. No opaque setup instructions. Just a product that solves exactly the problem you have in minutes.

Hyros is invite only, and only works with businesses of a certain size and in certain industries.

Map Customer Journey to Each Purchase

Able CDP keeps knowledge about each customer activity, regardless whether it happens online on the website or offline and in a CRM.

It tracks and displays full journeys of each individual customer from the first ad click and landing page visit to CRM and payment systems conversions and gives you insight into these journeys through a visual history of each customer.

This feature makes Able CDP an excellent alternative to Hyros for marketers and entrepreneurs who aren't satisfied with top-down overall statistics and are interested in understanding how their customers from each segment make decision to buy.

Focus On What Matters The Most

Able is designed to be set up once and bring all the data and KPIs optimal for your business into the tools you already use every day: Google Analytics, a CRM system, ad platforms’ reports and so on. Able can offer more useful features at a much lower price due to its extensive use of automation and artificial intelligence.

Don't just take our word for it

Software companies, e-commerce stores and various types of digital businesses around the world are using Able CDP to fundamentally improve their marketing strategy.

A valuable insight we've got because of using Able Customer Data Platform is that display ads aren't working for us at all... we've been wasting money for years on paid display ads. Before Able we'd be excited about every lead or email that came through, but after the last year we've determined that those don't convert at all. And so we've been focusing on paid search, which does have return on investment.

Bryan Brinton
Bryan Brinton
CFO, Co-Founder of Aluvii
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