Knowledge Base / Title: Why Some Customers Don't Have fbclid or fpb Parameters: A Brief Explanation

Title: Why Some Customers Don't Have fbclid or fpb Parameters: A Brief Explanation


Ad Tracking and Attribution


Why do some customers not have the fbclid or fpb parameter in Able CDP?


Q: Why do some customers not have the fbclid or fpb parameter in Able CDP?

A: This occurs when the tracking script doesn't detect a click ID parameter, and Facebook Pixel fails to assign an identifier cookie to the user's browser. It's a rare occurrence, sometimes linked to the Android Facebook App in-app browser present in the user-agent header. There are speculations that Facebook may hinder Google Tag code from running correctly in its browser. Alternatively, it could be due to privacy-oriented browsers blocking the Facebook Pixel and click ID parameters.

Q: Does this issue have a significant impact on reporting?

A: No, it's quite rare, and thus its impact on reporting is minimal.

Q: What steps does Able take to mitigate the impact of these blocking attempts?

A: Able sends all available information to the Facebook CAPI, including phone numbers and emails. This increases the likelihood of accurate conversion attribution by Facebook Ads.

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