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EasyWebinar Conversion Tracking And Attribution – How To Set Up

Track EasyWebinar Event Registration Widget leads and attribute subsequent purchases to their sources.


Track EasyWebinar Event Registration Widget Leads

Tracking purchases made by leads who entered a funnel through the EasyWebinar Event Registration Widget is a common task, crucial to maximize ad ROI.

When EasyWebinar event registration widget is used in multiple-stage funnels, relying on tracking tags and pixels alone allows to attribute to the marketing sources only leads, with exact sources of later sales remaining unknown. Able Customer Data Platform solves tracking of EasyWebinar leads and follow-on purchases in such funnels.

Able offers form tracking that recognizes EasyWebinar event registration widgets installed on the page automatically. It tracks leads submitted through the widget, linking lead details such as email with the website visitor. Any purchases made by the same customer, regardless of when and how, are then attributed to the original website visitor and marketing source. This allows to track and report EasyWebinar leads and any subsequent purchases attributed to the original visitor source in ad platforms and analytics services such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads and Google Analytics.

Enable EasyWebinar Event Registration Widget Tracking Code

In Able Dashboard, press "Add Service Integration" and select "EasyWebinar".

EasyWebinar conversion tracking is commonly used with

This page has been written by the Able CDP Customer Success Team, formed of digital marketing practitioners and seasoned marketing data experts.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us using the contact form.