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RevenueHunt Conversion Tracking And Attribution – How To Set Up

Tracks Leads captured with RevenueHunt quizzes.


Track RevenueHunt Quizzes

Able CDP tracks Leads captured using RevenueHunt quizzes.

It allows Able CDP to record customer details early in the funnel and attribute future purchase conversions, sending them to Google AnalyticsGoogle Ads and Facebook Ads. This allows to use ad platforms and Google Analytics native reports to report on lead and purchase conversions, as well as to drastically improve audience optimization by letting ad platforms know what leads have converted into paying customers.

Add Tracking Code

To start tracking RevenueHunt quiz completions, insert tracking code into Results Page Settings > Advanced Settings - Custom JavaScript.

For example, to capture event and any entered emails:

const quizEmails = [];
for (const quizAnswer of prq.quizSlides()) {
if (quizAnswer.attributes.values && quizAnswer.attributes.values[0] && quizAnswer.attributes.values[0].toString().match(/^[\w\.\-]+@[\w\.\-]+$/)) { quizEmails.push(quizAnswer.attributes.values[0]) } }
uipe('track', 'Lead', { keys: { email: quizEmails } })

The page containing the quiz should have the page view tracking code installed as well.

Please refer to the RevenueHunt Custom JavaScript Code instructions for more details about the quiz results available.

RevenueHunt conversion tracking is commonly used with

This page has been written by the Able CDP Customer Success Team, formed of digital marketing practitioners and seasoned marketing data experts.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us using the contact form.